There has been a massacre in the Ataturk Airport, a terrorist attack which ended the lives of tens of people and wounded hundreds more. At first, we would like to pass our condolences to the families of those who lost their lives, we wish the wounded recover soon, and the numbers of casualties not increase.
Right now, without losing any time, right before burying our deceased and while the injured are still under intensive care, we have to call those responsible to account. We know who the responsible are. Erdoğan, who Syrianized Turkey, and the AKP government are the ones who are the liable. It is striking that those in power have not taken the responsibility of a single one of hundreds of people who lost their lives until today, yet expect applaud for every grams of asphalt and concrete poured on streets. It is not solely an evasion of responsibility. It is, likewise, not just an immorality of regarding everything inferior than the hunger for power. But it is the exact reflection of the psychology of guilt.
We know the murderers of the Ataturk Airport. They are the ones who have been called “the angry youth” by the AKP government. It is AKP itself that sent truckloads of guns to the Syrian soil where they declared the-so called Caliphate. Tuğrul Türkeş (an ex-member of the fascist Nationalist Movement Party and son of its historic leader Alparslan Türkeş), who announced by “swearing to God” that the guns were not sent to the Syrian Turkmen as it was alleged, is himself now the vice prime minister of the AKP government. They are the striking power of sectarian takfiri (counterpart for excommunication in Islam) ideology propagandized under the name of “society of Masjid” in METU (Middle East Technical University). The AKP government is the government who assaulted with police force the students who stood up against that “society of Masjid”. This police force of the AKP government took the partnership of the massacre of October 10 in Ankara train station by spraying tear gas to the wounded. They have attacked the protestors who gathered to demonstrate against the massacre in every part of Turkey. Still, people are being tried for participating in those demonstrations. And what’s more, they are being tried under an uttermost meaningful accusation: defaming “the President”. The murderers are the ones who cozily left the courthouses in which the academics and the journalists are put under arrest. Yet the murderers cannot be arrested before taking action. They can “appear before the judge” only after massacring people and exploding themselves. And right after the massacre in the Ataturk Airport, the law that passed the authority of the higher judicial bodies to the control of Erdogan and the AKP was approved by the assembly.
They are the favored ones of Erdogan and the AKP government. But only theirs? Their petroleum goes directly to the refinery of Koç (the largest capitalist group in Turkey) in Batman. Israel treats their wounded. Their money is given by Saudi Arabia. It is the USA itself that returns to the lands it once abandoned and that has started to construct military bases on the soils which it was never able to set foot in. Their essential favor comes from capital, from imperialism, and from Zionism. And those never happen to be the ones who are murdered during such assaults.
Those who have been killed and still being killed in Turkey are exclusively the members of the working class, laborers, peasants, deprived people, and ordinary people. Those who do not stroll around with an army of bodyguards. They are the ones who wait at bus stations to bring home food, the ones who go to and come from work. The ones who attend demonstrations with their unions. Not the ones who travel by armored cars with flashing lights, but by minibus shuttles. The ones who paid the cost of compulsory military service by their blood, not with their money. The massacre at the Ataturk Airport took place at the international terminal, where, 3 years ago, members of the Civil Aviation Workers Union that went on strike were barred out, chased with water cannons and police batons. The security gap in Turkey is applicable only when the assault is going to be against the working people. And this gap is permanent. But as the working people decide to struggle, this security gap turns into “security brutality”.
Justifiably, people are asking:“When is this going to end?” To tell the truth, it would never end unless those in power who Syrianized Turkey are held to account. This beautiful land would be a safe and a peaceful country for millions, only when under workers’ power, imperialism is driven away, Zionism is toppled down and sectarianism becomes buried in history.